Monday, July 11, 2011

The Nano Eye

Amazing discoveries are currently being made in nanometer scale sciences inspiring scientists as well as engineers. There are spaces in the world too small to be seen even with the most powerful optical microscopes. There are several important modern developments like atomic force microscope (AFM), scanning tunneling microscope (STM), scanning confocal microscope (SCM), as well as scanning acoustic microscope (SAM) etc. that make it possible to see as well as deal with the structures at the nanometer scale. Are not all those tools capable to see, manipulate, play, as well as engineer the nanoscale materials NANO EYES?
For moving in the industry to produce products of technology or for high-tech applications, there are no other ways but the development of sciences. For development of nanotechnology, scientists are learning how to measure, manipulate, control, assemble, produce, manufacture, as well as organize matter on an atomic as well as molecular precision to exploit novel properties as well as phenomena developed at that scales. To reach the dreamed goal of nanotechnology, researchers are paying utmost effort to develop nanosciences using the break-through methods that bring research to new frontiers of knowledge of nanotechnology. STM (NANO EYE!) shown in figure 1 is one of the most powerful, sophisticated, as well as revolutionary tools of nano science development. For the first time, individual atoms on the surface become directly perceptible by the STM. Not only that it can pick a single atom up from surface of the substrate as well as move it to maneuver on the same surface. Moreover, scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) provides an increasingly large body of very local information on the details of electronic states on various surfaces. This tool is discovered based on the phenomenon of quantum physics.
Generally, nanotechnology deals with the structures between 1 as well as 100 nanometers in at least one dimension, as well as involves developing materials or devices possessing at least in one dimension within that size. Quantum mechanical effects are very important at this scale, which is in the quantum realm. Nanotechnology is very diverse, ranging from extensions of conventional device physics to completely new approaches based upon molecular self-assembly, from developing new materials with dimensions on the nanoscale to investigating whether we can directly control matter on the atomic scale. Thus, today there are prospects of creating new things atom by atom as well as molecule by molecule.
The new concept of nanotechnology are so broad as well as pervasive to they will influence every area of technology as well as science, in a way that is surely unpredictable. Many further as well as greater advances resulting from nanotechnology are inevitable. Nanosciences are pushing us toward the edge of knowledge in every discipline we look at. The total social impact of nanotechnology is expected to be greater than the combined influences that the silicon integrated circuit, medical imaging, computer-aided engineering, as well as man-made polymers have had in the current century. Significant improvements in performance as well as changes of manufacturing paradigms will lead to several industrial revolutions in the 21st century. Nanotechnology will change the nature of almost every human-made object. So the major questions for the moment are how soon will these revolutions arrive, who will benefit the most of that, as well as who will be in the position to control or counter their negative aspects? The employment prospects for those with qualifications in nanosciences would be generally very wide. Nanosciences provide a route into many careers as well as opportunities existing throughout the world. These prospects are not only confined to research as well as teaching but also extended into a wide range of industries including food, medicine, finance, marketing, business, as well as management. Nanoscience specialists, because of their broad-based training as well as expertise, would have a great prospect to become leaders of the increasingly common multidisciplinary teams employed on research as well as development of projects.     

Lessons of the Electrical Properties of Lead (Ph) slightFilms